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I am working with Fluent UI datetimepicker. I am trying to change color in today. But its not changing default blue color.

enter image description here

const DatetimePickerFileds = (theme) => {
  return mergeStyleSets({
    root: { 
      selectors: { 
       ".dayIsToday":{ "background-color":theme.colors.addovation70Green},  

 placeholder="Select a date..."
 ariaLabel="Select a date" 

Please give some suggestion to add custom color for this.

This is my sample



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found it my self. You can use this designer tool to create custom theme.

    check this website

  2. DatePicker wraps Calendar Component. You can use calendarProps to modify styles:

        styles: {
          root: {
            selectors: {
              '.ms-CalendarDay-dayIsToday': { backgroundColor: '#f00!important' }

    Codepen working example.

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