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I’ve been working with react for nearly 3 years, but sometimes run into difficulties in "Rendering" meaning.

Practically, to check "Rendering", I just put "console.log(‘render’)" in a component right before "return <>…</>". Is this correct check? Or Can’t I know whether it’s re-rendered or not?



  1. Better to use hook useEffect and check it inside

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  2. Check React Developer Tools and profiler. When turned on, the re rendered components will flash on your screen.

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  3. Yes you are right, whenever you see "render" in your logs it means the component is rendering.
    What I used to do was declaring a variable outside of the component and and initialize it to 0 then increment it from inside the component so I can know how many times it has rendered

    let count = 0;
    const Component = () => {
    console.log("component render number: ",count);
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  4. I’m not able to comment yet, but to build on what the answer about the react developer tools:

    • Open the "Profiler"
    • Click the settings icon (top right – "view settings")
    • In the "General" tab, check "Highlight updates when components render."

    Best of luck!

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