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I am having a SEARCH button in my component and I want to call 2 different APIs when user clicks on this button.

<div className="ShipCard">
        <div className="grid2">
          <h1>Enter SO Gateway ID </h1>
          <input type="text" name="gatewayID" onChange={changeData}/>
        <button className="ShipSearch" onClick={onSearch}>Search</button>

Assume 2 different APIs are A and B.
I want to call B after A.
How can this be achieved ?

in main component

import {A,B} from './service';
const onSearch = () =>{

In Service component

const A =async() =>{
return await axios

const B =async() =>{
return await axios
export {A,B};



  1. Use await.

    const onSearch = async () =>{
      const responseA = await A()
      //do something with responseA
      const responseB = await B()
      //do something with responseB
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  2. use can use the below async function. Once the first request resolve it will move to the next line due to async await.

    const onSearch =  async () => {
        try {
          const responseA = await A();
          const responseB = await B();
    Login or Signup to reply.
  3. You can combine both axios.get into one call. Such as

    const onSearch =()=> {
    return axios.all([
    .then(axios.spread((a, b) => {
    // do whatever you want with the responses or return a,b
    return {a,b};
    Login or Signup to reply.
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