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I have a component defined as follows:

function ConfirmableButton(props: { onConfirm: () => void; } & HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>)

But when using it like
<ConfirmableButton disabled={disabledRows.includes(id)} />, it gives me error Property 'disabled' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & { onConfirm: () => void; } & HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>'

What should I be using to make sure the typing is correct?



  1. The generic type on HTMLAttributes<T> is only really there to give the specific element type to its event handlers. Checking the types, T in HTMLAttributes is only referenced where it extends DOMAttributes<T>, which is passed to each event handler to type the target property of the event object.

    To get <button>-specific attributes, you would need to use React’s ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> (which is the type React would use for a button element):

    interface ButtonHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
        autoFocus?: boolean | undefined;
        disabled?: boolean | undefined;
        form?: string | undefined;
        formAction?: string | undefined;
        formEncType?: string | undefined;
        formMethod?: string | undefined;
        formNoValidate?: boolean | undefined;
        formTarget?: string | undefined;
        name?: string | undefined;
        type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button' | undefined;
        value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number | undefined;
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  2. You need to define the props for ConfirmableButton as follows:

    props: { onConfirm: () => void } & ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>

    This will let you use the component like this:

      onConfirm={() => {
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