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I am creating a app using T3 stack + react-hook-form + zodResolver:@hookform/resolvers/zod

I have a zod schema defined as below

export const AccountSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string().uuid().optional(),
  title: z.string().min(1, { message: 'Title is required' }),
  description: z.string().min(1, { message: 'Description is required' }),

export type Account = z.infer<typeof AccountSchema>;

And in a component I am making use of useForm Hook as below

const editForm = useForm<Account>({ resolver: async (val, ctx, opt) => {
    const res = await zodResolver(AccountSchema)(val, ctx, opt);
    console.log('Validation Result: ', res, val);
    return zodResolver(AccountSchema)(val, ctx, opt);

form Submit Handler:

onSubmit={void editForm.handleSubmit(() => console.log('success'), (val) => console.log('Errors: ', val))}

Packages used:

"zod" -> "3.20.7"
"@hookform/resolvers" -> "2.9.11"
"react-hook-form" -> "7.43.5"

Looking at the console log, I can see zodResolver is passing correct errors to useForm resolver but in the formState object errors is always undefined
ie: editForm.formState.errors.title is always returning as undefined.
Also on submit always reloads the page irrespective of the form being valid or invalid.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Wow. The "void" before handleSubmit was causing the issue. Had added void due to eslint@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises rule.

  2. Well, it just happened to me and turned out that I’m calling the wrong onSubmit action in the form field:

    const schema = z.object({
      description: z.string().min(3).max(50).nonempty(),
      amount: z.number().min(0).nonnegative(),
      category: z.enum(categories),
    type FormData = z.infer<typeof schema>;
        const DataForm = () => {
          const {
            formState: { errors },
          } = useForm<FormData>({ resolver: zodResolver(schema) });

    Then, changing the form onSubmit solved the issue:

    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit()}>

    Hope this helps out.

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