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My Slide component with svg picture is not working. It’s just showing a white box moving from left to right, (with no actual picture). How can I get this to work?

Following the documentation here:

import { Paper, Slide } from '@material-ui/core';
import OfficeWorker from './OfficeWorker.svg';

const TestButtons = () => {
  const [buyButtonClicked, setBuyButtonClicked] = useState(false);

  const onBuyNow = () => {

  const OfficeWorkerIcon = (
    <Paper elevation={4}>
      <Box component="svg">
        <img src={OfficeWorker} />

  return (
      <Box marginRight={3}>
        <Button onClick={onBuyNow}>
          Buy it now
        <Button display="flex">Questions? Give us a call!</Button>

      <Slide direction="right" in={buyButtonClicked} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit>

export default TestButtons;

Only a WhiteBox shows from Left to Right.

enter image description here



  1. You can’t just use svg files out of the box in React like you are. What I recommend you do is go to This is a nice tool that converts an SVG into a react friendly component.

    You can take the contents of svg file and paste it into that site like so:

    enter image description here

    Then copy the JSX Output. Use it to create a component in your application. Import and use that component in your Slide animation. NOTE: I couldn’t get it work placing the svg component directly inside of the Slide component. I had to use a Box.

    <Slide direction="right" in={buyButtonClicked} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit>
        <SvgComponent />

    That’s the easiest way. If you want to do a deeper dive, check out this article which goes over how to change webpack configuration file to allow using svg files in React.

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  2. You can use MUI’s SvgIcon component, available at:

    Just place your SVG icon inside the tag and the slider will work as expected.

    import { SvgIcon, Slide, Box } from '@mui/material';
    import { TbSquareRoundedNumber1Filled } from 'react-icons/tb'
    <Slide direction="right" in={buyButtonClicked} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit>
        <SvgIcon style={{ fontSize: "80px" }} inheritViewBox >
          // your icon tag or path...
          // example: <TbSquareRoundedNumber1Filled color='#77b142' />
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