I did not know how to construct the proper question title, sorry for that.
But in a route structure like below, I want the admin
path to always show organisations
as the default/index, like whenever you navigate to /admin
it automatically navigates to /admin/organisations
, but for instance in other path /admin/users
, or /admin/organisations/create
the related components renders.
is such a requirement doable with routes, createBrowserRoute?
const routes = createBrowserRouter([
path: '/',
element: <AppShell />,
children: [
path: 'admin',
element: <AdminPanel />,
children: [
{ path: 'organisations', element: <Organisations /> },
{ path: 'users', element: <Users /> }
currently, I have a useEffect
in the AdminPanel
component like
if(window.location.pathName === "/admin" ) navigate("/admin/organisations")
But is it doable via react-router props?
I have chosen this structure (children array) because all the sub-admin paths should have access to the side menu and according to react-router official tutorial it was the best approach
OBS! index element takes the route/path name of the parent, in my case I wanted the index behavior with a different path name. So it is not considered a duplicate of the flagged question, at least the accepted answer there does not answer my question, though the second answer does.
Your AdminPanel may be like this:
also you can use this :
You can create a catch all route and put it at the bottom of the array.
You have 3 options that might help you:
(link) andlayout routes
(link).It seams that
is a layout route that specifies that users might see some sort of dashboard that renders only its contents (common usecase: display a sidebar visible only for theadmins
).Netherless, you can also use the
(link) element to move from one component to another: