When I add a new movie with the form, I want it to have the category with the id ‘all-films’ by default. How can i do this? Thanks in advance. Here are the codes:
new-film.tsx –>
const form = useForm({
resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
defaultValues: {
name: "",
imageUrl: "",
filmUrl: "",
const onSubmit = async (values: z.infer<typeof formSchema>) => {
try {
await axios.post("/api/films", values)
} catch (error) {
api/films/route.ts –>
import { db } from "@/lib/db";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
export async function POST(req: Request){
try {
const { id, name, imageUrl, filmUrl } = await req.json()
const film = await db.film.create({
data: {
return NextResponse.json(film)
} catch (error) {
console.log("[GAMES_POST]", error);
return new NextResponse("Internal Error", {status: 500})
schema.prisma –>
model Category {
id String @id
name String
imageUrl String @db.Text
films Film[]
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
model Film {
id String @id
name String
imageUrl String @db.Text
filmUrl String @db.Text
category Category[]
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
When I add a new movie with the form, I want it to have the category with the id ‘all-films’ by default. How can i do this? Thanks in advance. Here are the codes:
I solved the problem as follows:
The simplest solution would be to edit your POST-function and at catgory as a new parameter and to fill it:
If you want the user to be able to select a category and just have it pre-filled you need to expand your form and then add a default value (you already have some empty ones it would seem):