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I’m trying to make a route for my backend javascript express server server.js which will send an email using EmailJS to my gmail account when called.

If I try this code:

const SMTPClient = require("emailjs")'/emailContactFormSubmission', async (req, res) => {
  const { body, email } = req.body;
  console.log('Contact form submission received:');
  console.log('Body:', body);
  console.log('Email:', email);

  try {
    const client = new SMTPClient({
      user: '[email protected]',
      password: 'abcd abcd abcd abcd', // [email protected]' app password
      host: '',
      ssl: true,

    const message = await client.sendAsync({
      text: 'i hope this works',
      from: '',
      to: '[email protected]',
      cc: '',
      subject: 'testing emailjs',

    console.log('message = ', message);

  } catch (err) {
    console.error('send email err: ', err);


The server fails immediately when I run it with node server.js

> node .server.js
const SMTPClient = require("emailjs")
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:UsersmartiDocumentsprojectsaws-react-docker-ghactionsnode_modulesemailjsemail.js from C:UsersmartiDocumentsprojectsaws-react-docker-ghactionsserver.js not supported.
Instead change the require of email.js in C:UsersmartiDocumentsprojectsaws-react-docker-ghactionsserver.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:UsersmartiDocumentsprojectsaws-react-docker-ghactionsserver.js:125:20) {

Node.js v20.15.0

If I change the import line to:

const SMTPClient = require("@emailjs/browser")

My node server launches correctly, but once the route is hit, there’s a different error:

> node .server.js
isLocal= true
Secrets set successfully      
Server is running on port 3030
Contact form submission received:
Body: a
Email: [email protected]
send email err:  TypeError: SMTPClient is not a constructor
    at C:UsersmartiDocumentsprojectsaws-react-docker-ghactionsserver.js:135:20

Am I using the EmailJS package correctly? How can I get the send email functionaltiy working with my gmail address, so when the server.js route is hit, it sends an email to my account [email protected]



  1. The package you’re trying to use is an ES Module. To use it in CommonJS (files that use require(), import it this way):

    const SMTPClient = await import("emailjs");

    Alternatively, switch to ESM yourself. It’s the future and more and more packages will switch to this format.

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  2. Use this const {SMTPClient} = require('emailjs')
    since to use the SMTPClient from the emailjs package with CommonJS syntax, you should import it using curly braces, similar to the ES6 module import shown in the official guide.

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