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I have 2 hotkeys in my app, 1 and 2. If I press 1 release and then 2, it’s fine. But if I press both at the same time, it doesn’t increment as expected when I release both at the same time.

My expectation is that if I press 1 and 2, and then release both, I should have both incrementing by 1. But it doesn’t. I checked the API and tried some different options but it always seems to increment 2 in one of the cases.

import { useHotkeys } from 'react-hotkeys-hook';

export default function App() {
  const [cnt1, set1] = React.useState(0);
  const [cnt2, set2] = React.useState(0);

  useHotkeys('1', () => set1((v) => v + 1), { keyup: true });
  useHotkeys('2', () => set2((v) => v + 1), { keyup: true });

  return (

A running example:



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I think I made a mistake copying @0stone0 answer and inadvertently made it work. I'm still confused how this is working, but it even works if I have 4 numbers.

    Notice it only increments if the key I'm letting go up is not pressed.

        () => {
          if (!isHotkeyPressed('1')) {
            set1((v) => v + 1);
          keyup: true,
        () => {
          if (!isHotkeyPressed('2')) {
            set2((v) => v + 1);
          keyup: true,

  2. I’ve tried quite some ways to prevent this, found a single, not so great solution I thought I’d share.

    There seems to be a isHotkeyPressed hook that can be used in the second callback to check if the other hotkey is active:

    useHotkeys('2', () => {
        if (!isHotkeyPressed('1')) {
            set2((v) => v + 1);
    }, { keyup: true });

    You could combine both hotkeys hooks into a single one (you can pass multiple keys comma separated) to make the isHotkeyPressed on the other key more dynamic.

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