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I want to create donut chart as in the image below

enter image description here

How to create this and is there good library for the same.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I am able to achieve almost similar results using react-chartsjs-2

    enter image description here

    below is the code

    import React from 'react'
    import { Chart as ChartJS, ArcElement } from 'chart.js';
    import { Doughnut } from 'react-chartjs-2';
    const pieThickness = {
      id: 3,
      beforeDraw(chart) {
        // console.log(chart.chartArea.width)
        const donWidth = chart.chartArea.width
        chart.getDatasetMeta(0).data[0].outerRadius = 148
        chart.getDatasetMeta(0).data[1].innerRadius = 80
        chart.getDatasetMeta(0).data[1].outerRadius = 142
        chart.getDatasetMeta(0).data[2].innerRadius = 88
        chart.getDatasetMeta(0).data[2].outerRadius = 123
    ChartJS.register(ArcElement, pieThickness);
    const data = {
      labels: '',
      datasets: [
          label: '65% Total New Customers',
          // label: '% new customers',
          data: [6, 18, 10],
          backgroundColor: [
            '   #DE3163',
          borderWidth: 0,
    const options = {
      cutout: 72,
      responsive: true,
      maintainAspectRatio: true,
      plugins: {
        legend: {
          display: false,
        tooltip: {
          enabled: false,
    const CustomerChart = () => {
      return (
        <div className='w-full h-full bg-white flex flex-col p-6 rounded-lg'>
            <h3 className='text-sm font-semibold md:text-base'>Customers</h3>
            <p className='text-xs text-slate-300 md:text-sm'>Customers that buy products</p>
          < div className='flex items-center justify-center relative' >
            <div className='my-4 rounded-full bg-white p-2 shadow-lg shadow-slate-200'>
              <Doughnut data={data} options={options} />
            <div className='absolute w-[20%] text-center'>
              <p className='text-base font-semibold lg:text-xl'>65% <span className='text-xs font-normal lg:text-sm'>Total New Customers</span></p>
          </ div>
    export default CustomerChart

  2. There are many libraries for such things in reactJS, however, you could check recharts and adapt the style as you like. Seems like your example could be done quickly using recharts.

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