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I use React, NextJS and Tailwind.

I want to use some images as background for some cards elements.
I first store the images names in an array.

const symbols = ['boat_2.png', 'boat.png', 'tortue.jpg', 'surf.jpg'];

Then I map the array and pass the name in the child elements.

                    {, index) => (
                            key = {index}
                            symbol = {symbol}

In the child element I use the name to fit the the Tailwind syntax : bg-[url(‘imagepath’)]

    var bgImg = "bg-[url('../public/" + symbol + "')]"

The path is correctly displayed in the console.
Finally I use the bgImg variable in the className for my div element.

    return (
            className={`${bgImg} bg-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat aspect-[5/7] border-2 rounded-xl border-black`}

The problem is only the boat.png is working.
All others images are not displayed.

I tried to access my images (through localhost:3000/surf.jpg for exemple) and it works.

I restart my browser, visual studio. Nothing worked.

I though it could be the image format. So I copied my boat.png in the folder and renamed it boat_2.png.
boat.png still works but boat_2.png doesnt.

I tried to make custom backgroundImage in the tailwind.config.ts like

      backgroundImage: {
        'surf': "url('../public/surf.jpg')",

This last method (using className = bg-surf) worked. But I want to understand why the first method works only for le boat.png image.
Since it’s a one-time use background images I dont want to specify them in the tailwind.config.ts and would like to fix the first method. (Maybe I’m wrong and should use this way)

Thanks for any advices



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Although using the style property seems to work fine I stick with the tailwind className.

    Based on the documentation I ended up doing this :

        const imgVariants: Record<string, string> = {
            tortue: 'bg-tortue',
            surf: 'bg-surf',
            boat: 'bg-boat',
        return (
                className={`${imgVariants[symbol]} bg-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat aspect-[5/7] border-2 rounded-xl border-black`}

    bg-* declared on imgVariants are from the tailwind.config.ts I used the tailwind.config.ts to avoid using relative pathname.

  2. This is most likely postcss thats not got the classes included so they are being striped out when your app builds. I think you can try whitelisting those, or by whitelisting a regex of bg-*, which might not work.

    But if all else fails you can just use css directly in the div like so:

    <div style={{ backgroundImage: 'url(...)'}} />

    Then style the rest of it using tailwind.

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  3. Tailwind cannot handle dynamically concatenated strings to form a single class name, as the full class name does not appear in the source code.

    See the documentation:

    If you use string interpolation or concatenate partial class names together, Tailwind will not find them and therefore will not generate the corresponding CSS

    You can use an inline style instead.

    <div className={yourClassName}
         style={{backgroundImage: "url('../public/" + symbol + "')"}}>
        { /* children */ }
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