Thank you all in advance for your help.
I am not sure why when i updated the percentageDone
state in my loadDataFunction()
will update the RenderData1Component
where it shouldn’t. Shouldn’t it update only when data1 changed?
I have a piece of code like this.
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [data1, setData1] = useState(null);
const [percentageDone, setPercentageDone] = useState(0);
// calling multiple apis (let say 10) in a promise and call setPercentageDone() whenever 1 of the Apis is done.
useEffect( () => {
useEffect( () => {
if (condition are met) {
LoadDataFunction() // Reload Data All over again for latest data
}, [condition])
return (
loading ? percentageDone
: <RenderData1Component data={data1}>
I want to update <RenderData1Component data={data1}>
only when i updated data1
state not percentageDone. but whenever i am updating setPercentageDone() it also trigger a re-render for <RenderData1Component data={data1}>
Thanks all for the help.
I found the problem. The problem came from the
itself. The theme code get's run every time when the state updated and it updated the css class for that CustomSwitch element which causes the re-render.My solution is to move the custom switch outside of this component and make it an external component.
I’m not sure, but this may help you.
It may be possible that you’re giving multiple conditions, which may be causing problems. Check it as well.