I’m using in App.jsx my useState. I’ve got 2 child components, and . With the ternary in App.jsx, it will render the homepage the with the choices. When you click on details, you get details from one item. That code is in . In this component I’ve made a "back" button to get back to the homepage (). The problem that I have here, is that if I click on the back button, it doesn’t send me back to the homepage. I tried some different stuff in my code, but I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Is it wrong syntax or am I completely off with the code?
I tried to switch the ternary around, tried to make a new function, play with the input of the arguments.
This is the code I have:
import { RecipeListPage } from "./pages/RecipeListPage";
import { data } from "./utils/data";
import { useState } from "react";
import { RecipePage } from "./pages/RecipePage";
export const App = () => {
const [userRecipe, setUserRecipe] = useState();
return <div>{userRecipe ? <RecipePage clickFn={setUserRecipe} recipe={userRecipe} /> :
<RecipeListPage data={data} clickFn={setUserRecipe} />}</div>;
import { Box, Heading, Button as CButton, Image } from "@chakra-ui/react";
export const RecipePage = (item, clickFn) => {
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<Box ml={2}>
<Image mt={2} mb={2} h={"50%"} w={"50%"} src={item.recipe.image} />
<strong>Meal type:</strong> {item.recipe.mealType}
<strong>Dish type:</strong> {item.recipe.dishType}
<strong>Total cooking time:</strong> {item.recipe.totalTime}
<strong>Diet label:</strong> {item.recipe.dietLabels.join(", ")}
<strong>Health label:</strong> {item.recipe.healthLabels.join(", ")}
<strong>Cautions:</strong> {item.recipe.cautions.join(" || ")}
<strong>Ingredients:</strong> {item.recipe.ingredientLines.join(" || ")}
<strong>Servings:</strong> {item.recipe.yield}
<CButton mt={5} type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
import { Center, Image, Stack, Heading, Box, Button as CButton } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { TextInput } from "../components/TextInput";
export const RecipeListPage = ({ data, clickFn }) => {
const onClickFn = recipe => {
const recipeListItems = data.hits.map(obj => (
<Box key={obj.recipe.label}>
<Image mb={8} mt={2} borderRadius="full" objectFit="cover" boxSize="100px" src={obj.recipe.image} alt={obj.recipe.label} />
<CButton type="button" onClick={() => onClickFn(obj.recipe)}>
return (
<Stack direction="column" spacing="100px">
<TextInput />
try this for "clickFn":
you can use ‘useContext’ hooks for that.this context provides a way to share data between components without having to pass props.
you can get a better idea from using https://www.w3schools.com/react/react_usecontext.asp