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I am in a pickle.

Im using React router v5. On my website I had page link as /pageName. Due to some new features, I changed the links to /:userId/pageName where userId is either "my" or user id. I am struggling to have the old links (/pageName) to redirect to /my/pageName, instead they redirect to /pageName/undefined. Another issue I am facing is that when it is at /pageName/undefined, when I click on pageName2 the url changes to /pageName/pageName2. How do I fix these linking issues? the param :userId should only be "my" for the user’s own account or diff user’s id.

I need this working in case user tries to just access /pageName like before, instead of /my/pageName. I would not want the linking to break

The below is how I render my Routes

export const routes: RouteItem[] = [
        config: {
            component: RedirectUser,
            exact: true,
            path: '/',
        labelKey: '',
        config: {
            component: pageName1,
            exact: true,
            path: '/:userId/pageName1',
        labelKey: 'pageName1',
        navSection: 'top',
        perm: 'READ',

        config: {
            component: pageName2,
            exact: true,
            path: '/:userId/pageName2',
        labelKey: 'pageName2',
        navSection: 'top',
        perm: 'READ'
        config: {
            component: pageName2,
            exact: true,
            path: '/:userId/pageName2/:item',
        labelKey: 'pageName2',
        perm: 'READ'

export const Routes = () => {
const renderRoutes = RouteItem, index: number) =>
        <Route key={index} exact={route.config.exact} path={route.config.path} component={route.config.component} />);




  1. Having a redirect key in the config and rendering the routes based on that key might solve your problem.

    Considering you are using Router v5, here is the implementation:

    export const routes = [
        config: {
          path: '/',
          exact: true,
          component: () => <div>Home Page</div>,
        config: {
          path: '/pageName',
          to: '/my/pageName',
          redirect: true,
          exact: true,
        config: {
          path: '/:user/pageName',
          exact: true,
          component: () => <div>Some User Data</div>,
    function App() {
      return (
  { config }, index) => {
                return (
              else return (
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  2. You just need to add a redirect from the old route path "/pagename" to the new route path "/my/pagename" in your router. Ideally you’d just render a <Redirect from="/pageName" to="/my/pageName" /> directly, but you could also integrate it with your current routes configuration.


    import { Redirect } from "react-router-dom";
    const routes: RouteItem[] = [
        config: {
          component: RedirectUser,
          exact: true,
          path: "/",
        labelKey: "",
        config: {
          component: PageName,
          path: "/:userId/pageName",
        // Redirect from exactly "/pagename" to "/my/pagename"
        config: {
          render: () => <Redirect to="/my/pageName" />,
          exact: true,
          path: "/pageName",
        labelKey: "redirectPageName",
        perm: "READ",
      { => (
        <Route key={route.config.path} {...route.config} />
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