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I have a model with a relation to a separate model. I’m now querying the object and the related object. But how do I get a typescript type so that I can pass this object to subcomponents of my react component?

This only give me the Event type without the nested Owner property/relation.

import { Event, Prisma } from "@prisma/client";

type EventDetailsProps = {
  event: Event;

And this is not working too:

type EventDetailsProps = {
  event: Prisma.EventInclude;



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I solved it this way:

    type EventDetailsProps = {
      event: Prisma.EventGetPayload<{ include: { owner: true } }>;

    More details here.

  2. try Prisma.EventFieldRefs

    however you will have to overwrite relations fields as they are of String type. Otherwise read more

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