I want to publish my website with MongoDB database, React.js front-end and Node.js back-end. But I don’t know what plan should i buy. Like will I need to buy a cloud server for back-end? Does MongoDB handle the back-end? Can anybody explain me what should i do?
I asked chatgpt but it’s answers did not satisfy me.
You can easily deploy your personal projects built with Front-end and Back-end using Node.js to PaaS (Platform as a Service) providers like Vercel or Render. For your database needs, MongoDB Atlas is a popular choice and typically offers a free tier for users. However, keep in mind that exceeding the limits of the free tier may incur costs.
There are few ways to achieve your target.
buy sever from service like digitalocean and you will able to deploy backend front and and Db in same sever that is one way
you will able to use cloud service to achieve this