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I’m building a multi-step form where each step is its own form and has its own validation schema. im using react-hook-form for the form (don’t think that matters here) and yup for the validation so heres a simplified version of what im trying to do

export const page1Schema = yup.object().shape({
  ["signature"]: yup.string().required(),

export const page2Schema = yup.object().shape({
  ["dependentField"]: yup.string().when(["signature"], {
    is: (signature) => signature !== "",
    then: () => yup.string().required(),
    otherwise: () => yup.string().notRequired(),

so in page2Schema i want to access the value of the field ‘signature’ which is in step 1 of the form and set the field to required only if field in step 1 meets some condition. is there a way to do this?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found 2 ways to get around this problem in a case where i can get the value from inside the form and pass it in to the schema

    Solution 1: changing the schema to a function

    export const page1Schema = (value) => yup.object().shape({
      ["signature"]: yup.string().required(),

    and pass in the prop resolver: yupResolver(page1Schema(value))

    Solution 2: using context

    export const page2Schema = yup.object().shape({
      ["dependentField"]: yup.string().when(["$signature"], {
        is: (signature) => signature !== "",
        then: () => yup.string().required(),
        otherwise: () => yup.string().notRequired(),

    then to pass the context using rhf

    const {} =useForm({
      resolver: yupResolver(page1Schema),
      context: { signature: reduxState.signature}

    Note: both of these solutions do not solve the problem completely but in my case im using redux toolkit to hold all the form values so i can pass to the context the value of the field from form 1 (signature) to page2Schema

  2. You can try like this :

    export const page2Schema = yup.object().shape({
       dependentField: yup.string()
                   .test("Dependent field is required when signature is provided", 
                         function (value) {
                            //const signature = this.resolve(yup.ref("signature"));
                              const signature = this.parent.signature;
                                 if (signature) {
                                    return !!value;
                                 } else {
                                    return true;

    In the this.resolve() function, you can get the value of the signature.

    If signature is true, can check whether dependentField has a value(!!value).

    If signature is false, this field is not provided and can allow any value for dependentField.

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