I wrote a program in react typescript, but I got an error called uncaught error and I did run and debug tests and searched on google, but I am unable to solve this error, so I need help from anyone who can solve this error. here is my program
react with typescript
import { createContext, useContext, useMemo, } from "react"
type ComplexObject = {
const Context = createContext<ComplexObject | null >(null)
const useGetComplexObject=()=>{
const object=useContext(Context)
throw new Error("useGetComplexObject must be used within the parameter");
return object
export default function MyApp()
const object =useMemo(()=>({kind:"complex"}),[])
return (
<Context.Provider value={object}>
<MyComponent />
function MyComponent()
const object=useGetComplexObject()
return (
<p>current object : {object.kind}</p>
I searched this uncaught error on google but I cannot find solution for this error, what I am expecting is to anyone who knows react with typescript can help me to solve this uncaught TypeError and improve this program
You should try to use try catch block in MyComponent function, where it will catch the uncaught error, refer this:
It will give you specific error you are occurring.
Hope this solves your problem.
Change your useGetComplexObject code like bellow.
hope this will help to fix your code error.