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I have two graphql queries first one is getUser and second one is getChatHistory. I want getChatHistory to execute only after getUser is executed and user details are fetched.

export const getChatHistory = gql`{
   chatHistory {

export const getUser = gql`{
   user {

const Home = ()=> {
  const {loading: chatLoading,error:chatError,data:chatData}=useQuery(getChatHistory);
  const {data:userData} = useQuery(getUser);



  1. You can’t do that in a single component using useQuery since it’s a hook and a hook can’t be called conditionally – make a separate nested component that grabs the chat history and don’t render it until you’ve got the user.

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  2. It is possible. Based on useQuery hook signature
    const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(getChatHistory);
    I assume you are using apollo-client? If so, useQuery has skip option, designed for the cases like this.
    Here is how you can use it to start fetching chat history only after user in a single component:

    export const getChatHistory = gql`{
       chatHistory {
    export const getUser = gql`{
       user {
    const Home = ()=> {
      const { data: userData } = useQuery(getUser);
      const {
        loading: chatLoading,
        error: chatError,
        data: chatData
      } = useQuery(getChatHistory, {
        // will not start fetching untill user is present
        skip: !userData?.user // or !userData?.getUser?.user depends on the response shape

    getChatHistory won’t start fetching until user is fetched.

    For other clients:

    • In urql similar option called pause.
    • tanstack-query has enabled.
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