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I have a component that takes one fixed prop and one that can be random. When it comes to typing the component, I’d want to play it type safe and avoid just using any for the addition props. Here’s what I have in mind:


<Button component='button' href='x'>
    Push Me


import { type PropsWithChildren, type ElementType, type FC } from 'react';

interface ButtonProps {
    component: ElementType;
    [key: string]: any;

export const Button: FC<PropsWithChildren<ButtonProps>> = ({
    component: Component,
}) => {
    return <Component {...props}>{children}</Component>;

How can I remove the any from [key: string] and infer the additional props?



  1. give a try to following .

    import { PropsWithChildren, ElementType, FC, HTMLAttributes } from 'react';
    interface ButtonProps extends Omit<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, 'component'> {
      component: ElementType;
    export const Button: FC<PropsWithChildren<ButtonProps>> = ({
      component: Component,
    }) => {
      return <Component {...props}>{children}</Component>;

    and let me know if any ?

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  2. If nesting the props under an object is allowed, then this works pretty well:

    import type {ComponentProps, ElementType} from "react";
    type ButtonProps<T extends ElementType<any>> = {
        component: T,
        props: ComponentProps<T>,
    export const Button = <T extends ElementType<any>>({
        component: Component,
    }: ButtonProps<T>) => {
        return <Component {...props} />
    const MyComponent = (props: {a: number, b: number}) => {
        return <p>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</p>
    <Button component={MyComponent} props={{a: 4, b: 5}} />;
    // there is a typescript error here because 'button' doesn't support 'href'
    <Button component='button' props={{href: 'x'}}>
        Push Me

    If nesting under an object is not an option then I think you can’t get full type safety. I’ve tried hacking at it for a while with mostly no luck. It seems typescript isn’t really great at validating Omit spread types haha.

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