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I’m encountering a hydration error in a Next.js project when using the Shadcn Dialog component. The error message is:

"Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server."

Here are the key components:


// Importing Dialog components from Shadcn
import { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogDescription, DialogHeader, DialogTitle } from "@/components/ui/dialog";

interface ModalProps {
  title: string;
  description: string;
  isOpen: boolean;
  onClose: () => void;
  children?: React.ReactNode;

export const Modal: React.FC<ModalProps> = ({
}) => {
  const onChange = (open: boolean) => {
    if (!open) {

  return ( 
    <Dialog open={isOpen} onOpenChange={onChange}>

import { Modal } from "@/components/ui/modal";

const SetupPage = () => {
  return (
    <div className="p-4" suppressHydrationWarning={true}>
      <Modal title="Test" description="Test Desc" isOpen onClose={() => {}}>

export default SetupPage;

I’ve included the relevant code snippets, and the issue arises during hydration. Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Attempted to use Shadcn’s Dialog component in a Next.js project. Expected smooth rendering, but encountered a hydration error:



  1. I ran into the same error as you did. Hydration error often occurs when you are dealing with modal pop-ups, caused by the mismatching of the rendering result between the server side and the client side.

    One workaround is to add a checking logic to ensure your Dialog is only rendered on the client side:

      const [isMounted, setIsMounted] = useState(false);
      useEffect(() => {
      }, []);
      if (!isMounted) {
        return null;
      return <YourDialogComponent/>  // only on client side

    I believe you are trying to build an e-commerce website watching Code With Antonio since your source code exactly matched the content of his tutorial (and I am doing the same thing haha) (forgive me if I am wrong).
    And he did the same thing as described above in his tutorial afterwards so you won’t get this error after a while if you keep following.


    See also:

    How to solve react hydration error in Nextjs

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  2. Ive been using dynamic imports with ssr set to false as a workaround for several shadcn components. I also think modals should be dynamic in general.

    const Modal = dynamic(()=>import("./pathToFile/Modal"), {ssr: false, loading: ()=> <AnyPlaceHolder />})
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