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I’m trying to use next.js localFont, like so:

const Eina = localFont({
  src: "../public/fonts/eina01.ttf",

However, no matter where i place the eina file/whatever file path I try, it always gives me:

Module not found: Can't resolve '@next/font/local/target.css?{"path":"pages/_app.js","import":"","arguments":[{"src":"../public/fonts/eina01.ttf"}],"variableName":"Eina"}'

its currently placed in public/fonts, but I tried to place it in the pages like said in the docs, with no luck either. How am i meant to import the font?



  1. I see that you have mentioned the path for font as public/font, but you have given the path in src as

    src: "../public/fonts/eina01.ttf",

    I think you just need to change it to

    src: "../public/font/eina01.ttf",

    Or, If it was just a typo in your question, please comment here.

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  2. One option is to import the fontfile in a CSS-file like this:

    @font-face {
        font-family: "Cutiful";
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: 400;
        src: url("./cutiful.otf");

    In this example the fontfile is located in the same directory as the CSS-file.
    Make sure to import the CSS-file in your RootLayout with import "./globals.css" or whatever the name of your CSS-file is. In your JSX you can then add classNames to tags like this:

    <div className="myClass">some text in a div-tag</div>

    and the styling is done in the CSS-file again, for example:

    .myClass {
        font-family: "Cutiful", cursive;
        font-size: 3.4rem;

    If you insist on using localFont, look here: or here:

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  3. I think this code helps you:

    const Eina = localFont({
        src: "./fonts/eina01.ttf",
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