I’m getting a warning for almost all of the local images in my site:
Image with src "http://localhost:3000/_next/static/media/icon_home.0f967506.svg" has either width or height modified, but not the other. If you use CSS to change the size of your image, also include the styles 'width: "auto"' or 'height: "auto"' to maintain the aspect ratio.
Even when I’m letting NextJS
just infer the size, as they suggest to:
<div className="flex aspect-square w-10 justify-center md:w-12">
<Image src={link.icon} alt={link.title} />
I saw some threads related to the same warning, but they all end up suggesting to use fill
or to set the size with TailwindCSS
classes, but I’d like to avoid specifying any size at all, as I understand that’s the whole point of using Image
+ local resource, since it’s able to calculate the size of the .png
(which actually works great)
Is there any workaround to get rid of the warning without specifying size properties?
You can try disabling server-side rendering (SSR) when rendering the image using the
Package .first install :
npm install react-no-ssr
then wrap the Image with
:make sure to import :
import NoSSR from 'react-no-ssr';
Try adding w-auto to your Image component: