I have data in mongo. I fetch this data from mongo to screen. Then I want update data, by onClick (I select id) and send it to backend /api/folder
I can see object in terminal, BUT I cannot modify it.
Do you know why? Thanks
import db from "@/utils/db";
import Team from '@/modules/Team'
const handler = async (req, res) => {
console.log(req.body) // { id: '64501115948ae9070cdd5ba5' }
await db.connect();
const team = await Team.findById(req.query.id);
console.log('team', team)
console.log('name', team.name)
console.log('game', team.game1)
team.game1 += 1
await team.save()
await db.disconnect();
res.status(200).json({ message: 'success '})
export default handler
terminal output / team.game1 === undefine
can you please tell me why is undefine and how to fix it?
{ id: '64501115948ae9070cdd5ba5' }
use previous connection
teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem {
_id: new ObjectId("64501115948ae9070cdd5ba5"),
name: 'Boston',
img: '/bos.png',
color: '#0800ff',
updatedAt: 2023-05-02T16:32:57.387Z,
game1: 5, // trying modify this one
game2: 0,
game3: 0,
game4: 0,
game5: 0,
game6: 0,
game7: 0
name Boston Bruins
game undefined // <= here
I dont understand it, data are there, BUT if I want to select it I am getting undefined.
Finally, I got it, I change my mind and set new data in mongo database, BUT I DID NOT CHANGE MODULESCHEMA in pc. I saw data in database but could not change it because of module wasn't change! I will remember it!!!!
Hey erza could you please replace your code-
with my code-
if this doesn’t work just lemme know ii will help you more..