I am a beginner and I am writing a webapp with React JS. For a certain part of my app, I need to dynamically create divs and I came up with this snippet:
<div className="flex flex-col items-center gap-4 w-full px-4">
{descriptions.map((description, index) => (
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center w-full" key={index} >
<p className="text-[#3E4D5B] text-xs md:text-sm leading-normal">{description}</p>
For some reason, the HTML elements are being displayed from Web Chrome/Safari, but I see blank space if I access the app from my iPhone. I guess, the .map is not working for IOS version, but I can find no explanations.
Help me, please !!!!
Tried removing the descriptions.map
and it works if I leave one .
Issue resolved! Was not anyhow connected to this chunk of code, there was an issue with backend.
Unique identifier from the description object itself as the key.if each description object has an id property,you can use that as the key :