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I’m using react with VITE and react-router-dom
Hosting the react application locally works very well, if it hosted on any online hosts services like NETLIFY, VERCEL or HOSTINGER also works great but if I passed to a new routed page used by react-router-dom it works fine until I reload the page that routed it crash even on many times of reloading still crashed but if I seped back to the home routed page "/" it works fine even with reloading

error message => GET 404

application repo: =>
application hosted by vercel: =>

the App() file

function App() {
  const location = useLocation();
  const [t, i18n] = useTranslation();
  if (i18n.language === "en") { = "ltr";
    document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", "en");
  } else if (i18n.language === "ar") { = "rtl";
    document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", "an");

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
  }, [location.pathname]);

  console.log("App.jsx:", "Render App.jsx");

  return (
      className={`App bg-white ${
        i18n.language === "en" ? "font-sf" : "font-almaria"
      } text-white`}
            <div className=" LANDING_PAGE mx-auto">
              <Header />
              <Services />
              <About />
              <WhyUs />
              <Partners />
              <Contact />
              <Footer />

        <Route path="/services" element={<ServicesSection />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-0" element={<ServiceZero />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-1" element={<ServiceOne />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-2" element={<ServiceTwo />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-3" element={<ServiceThree />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-4" element={<ServiceFour />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-5" element={<ServiceFive />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-6" element={<ServiceSix />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-7" element={<ServiceSeven />} />
        <Route path="/about" element={<AboutPage />} />
        <Route path="/partners" element={<PartnersPage />} />

normally tried to pass into routed page from my application it works fine but when I reload the page it gives me an console error GET 404 and display error message from the hosting service vercel by this images below
host service error message

really I could not expect this issue it seems weird to me cause I’m newpie with React



  1. you need to add htaccess file to your projcet root folder to redirect all requests to index.html file and then the react-router-dom will handle the route for you.
    to add the file create new file named .htaccess and write inside the following code:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.html$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js)$
    RewriteRule .* index.html [L,R=302]

    i didn’t test the code because i don’t have such hosting but if there is any error just comment and i will help you resolve it.

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  2. The .htaccess file works only on apache servers, so I do not think it will work in this case.

    Add a vercel.json file at the root of your project, and use "rewrites" to rewrite all incoming paths to refer to your index path.

    For example:

      "rewrites":  [
        {"source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/"}

    Check here for further information:

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