This is my Parent Component , I am using react.memo and usecallback so that i do no un-necessarily re-render component on every button click ,
Instead I am getting these many logs
Rendering Title
Title.js:4 Rendering Title
Count.js:4 Rendering Age
Count.js:4 Rendering Age
Button.js:4 Rendering button – Increment Age
Button.js:4 Rendering button – Increment Age
Count.js:4 Rendering Salary
Count.js:4 Rendering Salary
Button.js:4 Rendering button – Increment Salary
Button.js:4 Rendering button – Increment Salary
import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import Title from './Title';
import Count from './Count';
import Button from './Button';
function ParentComponent() {
const [age, setAge] = useState(25);
const [salary, setSalary] = useState(50000);
const incrementAge = useCallback(() => {
setAge(age + 1);
}, [age]);
const incrementSalary = useCallback(() => {
setSalary(salary + 1000);
}, [salary]);
return (
<Title />
<Count text="Age" count={age} />
<Button handleClick={incrementAge}>Increment Age</Button>
<Count text="Salary" count={salary} />
<Button handleClick={incrementSalary}>Increment Salary</Button>
export default ParentComponent;
import React from 'react';
function Title() {
console.log("Rendering Title");
return (
export default React.memo(Title);
import React from 'react';
function Count({ text, count }) {
console.log(`Rendering ${text}`);
return (
<div>{text} - {count}</div>
export default React.memo(Count);
import React from 'react'
//children -- props.children -- Increment age --
function Button({handleClick , children}) {
console.log('Rendering button - ', children)
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>{children}</button>
export default React.memo(Button);
I ran your code and it is running as expected, no additional logs, only getting increment and decrement function logs.
Check your code –
Please make sure that your component is wrapped around StrictMode. Usually strict mode causes this behaviour in our react apps. If so, please remove it and try again.