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I have a react application that is giving a linting error:

Promise-returning function provided to attribute
where a void return was expected

The function looks like this

      <Button onClick={
        async () => {
          await handleDelete()

I’ve tried adding return void along with a number of different ways to wrap the code and add catch as suggested in various SO posts but none of them worked to resolve the error.

I do not wish to disable the rule without understanding why – and once I do it will probably be to remove or disable the rule in the lint config



  1. There are two approaches here:

    1. You could either wrap the function in an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression),
         <Button onClick={
             () => {
                 void (async () => {
                     await handleDelete()

    You can learn more about IIFE on: MDN Official Docs

    1. Or, you could disable the no-misused-promises rule.

    For project wide, add rule in .eslintrc:

      "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises": [
          "checksVoidReturn": false

    To disable this inline, comment this above the particular occurrence to ignore the error.

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises

    You could read about it more on: GitHub ESLint Docs

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  2. In this particular case you can safely skip using async, because there is no need for either handleDelete result or async flow control

          <Button onClick={
            () => {

    In other scenarios the documentation for the no-misused-promises rule suggests 2 approaches:

    • Use an async IIFE wrapper
          <Button onClick={
            () => {
              void (async () => {
                await handleDelete();
    • Name the async wrapper to call it later
          <Button onClick={
            () => {
              const handle = async () => {
                await handleDelete()


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