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I faced I bug I don’t totally understand so I would like to know why it happens. I understand it has something to do with the {…} spread operator but unclear what is the root of the problem.

Here is a simplified class of the one I used:

class Item {
    constructor(id:number) { = id;
    compareTo = (i2:Item) => {
        return ===;

Now this "Item" class was inside another custom class so I copied it with spread operator but when I started to use the object I faced a weird bug when comparing the item to itself:

const selectedObj = { item: new Item(1) };
let item:Item = {...selectedObj.item};
console.log( // 1
console.log(item.compareTo(item)) //true = 123;
console.log( //123
console.log(item.compareTo(item)) //false

When I inspected this further I noticed that inside the compareTo method "" did not change. Why does this happen?



  1. You’ve initialized the compareTo field with an arrow function; as such, it does not have its own this context. Instead this refers to whatever it refers to outside the arrow function body; for a field initializer it’s the class instance under construction. Which means that compareTo is always going to bound to the specific class instance it was constructed with, and not the object on which it was called.

    If you modify compareTo to log whether this === i2:

    compareTo = (i2: Item) => {
        console.log(this === i2)
        return ===;

    you’ll see this behavior:

    let item: Item = { ...selectedObj.item };
    item.compareTo(item); // logs false
    item.compareTo(selectedObj.item); // logs true

    which demonstrates that item.compareTo is not bound to item, but is always bound to selectedObj.item.

    Playground link to code

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  2. You need to use a class, like this.

    class Item {
        constructor(id:number) {
   = id;
        compareTo(i2:Item) {
            return ===;
    let selectedObj = {id: 1}
    let item = new Item(
    console.log( // 1
    console.log(item.compareTo(item)) //true = 123;
    console.log( //123
    console.log(item.compareTo(item)) // true
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