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I am having a heck of a time trying to load dynamic images while mapping in the return statement. If the image is static, no probablems.

This works:


However, I am mapping through a list of comments and need to display the images dynamically from the path given in the image path of the props.

The image prop looks like:


So I tried the following but this does not work:


I get the following:

“Cannot find module ‘./../assets/user-images/image-anne.jpg”

I also try just using {image} but it doesn’t seem to know to look for the assets folder under src.

I am trying to load the images in a component under src/components/feedbackList

The images are in src/assets/user-images

If I go directly for the assets folder is gives me the standard "/assets falls outside of the /src directory."

Any direction is appreciated.



  1. Here is an example code for dynamically changing img src

    const [imageSrc, setImageSrc] = useState('');
    const loadImage = () => {
      // Update the image source dynamically
      // Pass the state to img src
    <img src={imageSrc} alt='image'/>
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  2. Follow this tips to able to load image.

    1. See the Path is correct or not using import.
    2. Console.log of path and Check it.
    let propUrl = "./assets/user-image/image-anne.jpg";
    let url = "../."+ propUrl;
    1. If not working above the tips then use this one.

      src={require("../." + image).default}

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