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I got this error in my code I am using Prisma Next js 14 and typescript I got this error while tyring to load my product details using product ID In bottom screenshot also have this error

Failed to compile.
Type error: Argument of type 'IParams' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IParams'.
  Types of property 'productId' are incompatible.
    Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.
      Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.
  11 |
  12 | const Product = async ({ params }: { params: IParams }) => {
> 13 |   const product = await getProductById(params);
     |                                        ^
  14 |
  15 |   if (!product)
  16 |     return <NullData title="OOPS! Product with given ID does not exist" />;
Error: Command "npm run build" exited with 1

this is my getProductById file

import  prisma  from '@/libs/prismadb';

interface IParams {
  productId: string; 

export default async function getProductById(params: IParams) {
  try {
    const { productId } = params;
    const product = await prisma.product.findUnique({
            id: productId
                    user: true
                    createdDate: 'desc'
        return null;
    return product;
  } catch (error: any) {
    throw new Error(error);

And this is my page which this error got

import Container from "@/app/components/Container";
import ProductDetails from "./productDetails";
import ListRatings from "./ListRatings";
import getProductById from "@/actions/getProductById";
import NullData from "@/app/components/NullData";

interface IParams {
  productId?: string;

const Product = async ({ params }: { params: IParams }) => {
  const product = await getProductById(params);

  if (!product)
    return <NullData title="OOPS! Product with given ID does not exist" />;

  return (
    <div className="p-8">
        <ProductDetails product={product} />
        <div className="flex flex-col mt-20 gap-4">
          <div>Add Rating</div>
          <ListRatings product={product} />

export default Product;

Please help me to fix this error and this is my folder structure.

enter image description here



  1. Well simply, you have 2 interfaces called IParams.
    The one in the getProductById file has one attribute called productId which is a string.
    The one in your component file also has one attribute called productId but this time it is a string or undefined (see the ‘?’).

    The problem basically is that you are giving a string | undefined where a string is expected.

    What you can do is :

    • remove the ‘?’ in your component file but that would make the attribute required for this component
    • or check productId isn’t undefined before passing params to getProductById
    • name your interfaces differently in order to avoid the confusion

    Also, why are you passing a IParams object to getProductById then extracting productId from it ? Why not passing productId directly ?

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  2. You’ve defined two interfaces with the same name IParams.
    Both have one property productId, but in your second interface you defined productId as optional (used ? sign).
    Decide which type do you need (one with optional or the other) and the type error will be fixed.

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