So the task is:
When you click on the "Increase temperature by 1 degree" button,
the temperature increasedThe TempDisplay component should not be rerendered when clicking on
the "Increase by 10 seconds" button
My solutions:
useCallback(() => (setTemp(temp+1)),[temp])
useCallback(() => (setTemp(temp=>temp+1)),[])
Is any of this solutions wrong and what’s the difference? Or both can be used?
Full code:
export const App = () => {
const [temp, setTemp] = useState(10)
const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(100)
const increaseSeconds = () => setSeconds(seconds + 10)
const increaseTemp = XXX here we need to define the function XXX
return <>
<TempDisplay temp={temp} increaseTemp={increaseTemp}/>
<b>Seconds :</b> {seconds} с
<button style={{marginLeft: '15px'}}
Increase by 10
const TempDisplay = React.memo((props: any) => {
console.log('Render TempDisplay')
return (
<div style={{marginBottom: '15px'}}
<b>Temperature:</b> {props.temp} °
<button style={{marginLeft: '15px'}}
Increase temperature by 1
I’ve never written code like this (
useCallback(() => (setTemp(temp=>temp+1)),[])
) while using React. I mainly use this code(useCallback(() => (setTemp(temp=>temp+1)),[])
). I think this code(useCallback(() => (setTemp(temp=>temp+1)),[])
) is wrong.If you passed the
as a callback dependency, the callback function will not get recreated even if the dependency value gets updated.Hence, you will not get updated values for
at the time callback function get called