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I keep getting this warning when testing a react-admin app:

    Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

    Check the top-level render call using <SimpleForm>. See for more information.

      at NumberInput (node_modules/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/NumberInput.tsx:23:14)
      at CoreAdminRoutes (node_modules/ra-core/src/core/CoreAdminRoutes.tsx:18:42)
      at RenderedRoute (node_modules/react-router/lib/hooks.tsx:624:26)
      at Routes (node_modules/react-router/lib/components.tsx:410:3)
      at CoreAdminUI (node_modules/ra-core/src/core/CoreAdminUI.tsx:54:14)
          at div
      at node_modules/@emotion/react/dist/
      at ScopedCssBaseline (node_modules/@mui/material/node/ScopedCssBaseline/ScopedCssBaseline.js:58:44)
      at AdminUI (node_modules/ra-ui-materialui/src/AdminUI.tsx:14:39)
      at ThemeProvider (node_modules/@mui/private-theming/node/ThemeProvider/ThemeProvider.js:39:5)
      at ThemeProvider (node_modules/@mui/system/ThemeProvider/ThemeProvider.js:49:5)
      at ThemeProvider (node_modules/@mui/material/node/styles/ThemeProvider.js:20:14)
      at ThemeProvider (node_modules/ra-ui-materialui/src/layout/Theme/ThemeProvider.tsx:19:13)
      at ResourceDefinitionContextProvider (node_modules/ra-core/src/core/ResourceDefinitionContext.tsx:46:5)
      at NotificationContextProvider (node_modules/ra-core/src/notification/NotificationContextProvider.tsx:8:55)
      at I18nContextProvider (node_modules/ra-core/src/i18n/I18nContextProvider.tsx:13:5)
      at Router (node_modules/react-router/lib/components.tsx:328:13)
      at HistoryRouter (node_modules/ra-core/src/routing/HistoryRouter.tsx:11:13)
      at InternalRouter (node_modules/ra-core/src/routing/AdminRouter.tsx:39:13)
      at BasenameContextProvider (node_modules/ra-core/src/routing/BasenameContextProvider.tsx:12:51)
      at AdminRouter (node_modules/ra-core/src/routing/AdminRouter.tsx:14:12)
      at QueryClientProvider (node_modules/react-query/lib/react/QueryClientProvider.js:45:21)
      at PreferencesEditorContextProvider (node_modules/ra-core/src/preferences/PreferencesEditorContextProvider.tsx:8:60)
      at StoreContextProvider (node_modules/ra-core/src/store/StoreContextProvider.tsx:7:17)
      at CoreAdminContext (node_modules/ra-core/src/core/CoreAdminContext.tsx:54:14)
      at AdminContext (node_modules/ra-ui-materialui/src/AdminContext.tsx:8:62)
      at Admin (node_modules/react-admin/src/Admin.tsx:115:14)
      at App (src/App.js:480:18)

It occurs in this code:

    <Create redirect="show">
        <SimpleForm sanitizeEmptyValues warnWhenUnsavedChanges>
            {createInputs(resource, name, "add", permissions)}

createInputs() returns an array created like:

            components.push(<C {...props} />);

C is NumberInput, TextInput or similar.

When I console log, it shows that key=null. Yet, if I tweak it to <C key={null} {...props} />, then the warning disappears.

What is happening here and is there a better approach to fix it? I don’t see anything in the react-admin documentation about a key prop, so I’m not sure why I’d need to specify it.



  1. react processes every node of the DOM using this unique key, if you are mapping array then give unique value in the key attribute [].map(item,i)=><p key{i}></p>

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  2. When using an imported component you are effectively creating a new instance of that component which can be done multiple times. React DOM notices this and to preemptively avoid issues it will warn to add a key in order to help the DOM differentiate each child or instance created.

    Without a key the parent component could create 1-1000+ instances such as a mapping. If there is no unique key then the DOM will possibly have issues during re-renders, updates, state changes and ref logic.

    You can avoid this by adding a key=’uniqueIdentifier’ for any HTML elements within children that are iterated over or instantiated.

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