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I originally used the code below to set my components state, but I have seen online that

  1. It’s a bad method to set a component’s state as it can introduce bugs
  2. The callbacks on useQuery will be deprecated

So my question is what is the best method to set a state from the data resulting from a useQuery?

const [state, setState] = useState(null);
const stateQuery = useQuery({
  queryKey: ['deviceGetStateAPI', deviceid],
  queryFn: () => deviceGetStateAPI(deviceid),
  onSuccess: data => {
    if (!displaySettings) {



  1. You can find a state-mirroring example in the v5 migration docs.

    The general idea is to use an effect hook to monitor and synchronise query data state with local state

    const [state, setState] = useState(null);
    const { data, error, isPending } = useQuery({
      queryKey: ['deviceGetStateAPI', deviceid],
      queryFn: () => deviceGetStateAPI(deviceid),
      onSuccess: data => {
        if (!displaySettings) {
    useEffect(() => {
      setState(data); // or setDisplaySettings(data) ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    }, [data]);
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  2. Let’s separate the query from your React Component.

    // useDevice.js
    const useDevice = ({deviceId}) => {
        const { data, error, ...queryResponse } = useQuery({
            queryKey: ['deviceGetStateAPI', deviceId],
            queryFn: () => deviceGetStateAPI(deviceId)
        return { deviceInfo: data, error } // queryResponse.isLoading, queryResponse.isFetching.

    Now your React Component

    const DeviceDetail = () => {
    const { deviceInfo, error } = useDevice({deviceId: 12314})
    if (error) { 
        // handle error properly
    return <DeviceDetails deviceInfo={deviceInfo} />

    Ideally, this is the best way to do it, you don’t need a separate state piece to hold the response of useQuery. is in reality React.useState hook.

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