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I’ve been working on a project which has lots of images to display. I found that loading all the images takes a lot of time. A friend suggested that I use a cache to save time.
So, I converted the images into String of Base64 and when I log in to the website, I store all the necessary images in the cache and load them. However, I’m not sure whether it’s good practice or not.
Below is the code I tried.

I hope to hear opinions from the seniors.

export const imageUrlToBase64 = async (file, fileType, callback) => {

    if(file instanceof Blob) {
        imageFileToBase64(file, fileType, function(base64String) {
            if(base64String) {
    } else {
        urlToBase64(file, fileType, function(base64String) {
            if(base64String) {
    // Create a new Image element

export const saveToCache = async (url, data) => {
  if (url === 'user') console.log(data);

  try {
    const cache = await'mychache');
    await cache.put(url, new Response(data));
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error saving data to cache:', error);

export const readFromCache = async (url) => {
  let data = "";
  try {
    const cache = await'mychache');
    const response = await cache.match(url);
    if (response) {
      data = await response.text();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error reading from cache:', error);
  if(url === 'user') console.log(data)
  return data;



  1. Pros and Cons of Caching Images as Base64 Encoded Strings

    1. Increased Storage Size:

    Issue: Base64 encoding increases image data size by approximately 33%.
    Impact: Large or numerous images could significantly inflate storage requirements.

    1. Memory Usage:

    Concern: Storing images as Base64 strings may increase memory consumption.
    Risk: Large numbers or high-resolution images could strain memory resources.

    1. Network Overhead:

    Consideration: Fewer HTTP requests, but larger initial payload.
    Effect: Slower initial load times, particularly on slower connections.

    1. Caching Overhead:

    Challenge: Efficiency of caching Base64 encoded images versus binary data.
    Result: Potential additional storage and retrieval overhead.

    1. Dynamic Content:

    Issue: Base64 caching unsuitable for frequently changing images.
    Concern: Need to update cached strings each time images change.

    1. Browser Compatibility:

    Consideration: Varied support for Base64 encoded images.
    Risk: Compatibility issues in older browsers or certain environments.

    1. Maintenance Overhead:

    Challenge: Managing Base64 encoded images adds complexity.
    Result: Increased maintenance effort and potential for errors.


    While Base64 encoded image caching offers benefits such as reduced HTTP requests, it also poses challenges in terms of increased storage, memory usage, and maintenance complexity. Careful consideration of these trade-offs is crucial in determining the suitability of this approach for your specific use case. Alternative caching strategies or optimizations may offer more balanced solutions based on your requirements and constraints.

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  2. Using Base64 strings for image caching can be a viable solution in certain scenarios, especially when dealing with a small number of images or when you need to ensure that images are available immediately without the need for additional network requests. However, there are several considerations to keep in mind when deciding whether this approach is suitable for your project:

    Pros of Base64 Image Caching:
    1.Reduced HTTP Requests: Embedding images as Base64 strings directly in your code or storing them in cache eliminates the need for separate HTTP requests to fetch each image, potentially speeding up initial load times.
    2.Data URI Use: Base64 images can be used as data URIs in your HTML or CSS, making them immediately available without waiting for server responses.
    3.Simplicity: For small images or icons, this method can simplify deployment by embedding images directly in your scripts or stylesheets, avoiding path or CORS issues.

    Cons of Base64 Image Caching:
    1.Increased File Size: Base64-encoded images can be about 33% larger than their binary equivalents. This can lead to increased bandwidth usage and longer loading times, especially for users with slower internet connections.
    2.Memory Usage: Storing large amounts of Base64 image data in cache or in your application’s state can lead to increased memory usage, potentially affecting performance on devices with limited resources.
    3.Cache Management: Managing a custom cache for Base64 images adds complexity to your application. You need to handle cache invalidation, updates, and potential storage limits, especially in browsers with strict cache or local storage limits.
    4.Rendering Performance: Depending on how and when you decode the Base64 strings and render the images, there might be a performance hit, especially if many images are processed or displayed simultaneously.

    Browser Caching: Leverage standard browser caching mechanisms by setting appropriate cache headers for your images. This allows the browser to manage caching without the need to encode or decode Base64 strings.
    Image CDN: Use an Image Content Delivery Network (CDN) that can cache and serve images much more efficiently. Many CDNs offer additional features like automatic compression, format conversion (e.g., WebP for supported browsers), and global distribution.
    Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images so that images are only loaded as they are needed, rather than all at once. This can significantly improve initial page load times and reduce bandwidth usage.

    While caching images as Base64 strings can be beneficial in specific cases, it’s important to weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks, especially concerning performance and complexity. Consider the size and number of images, your application’s user base, and the available alternatives when deciding on the best approach for your project.

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