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In projects when calling API to get products, should people use react-query ? I also find it very useful. Please give me advice on how to use react-query to Call Api. Thanks everyone.

I have used react-query to Call API, when using it also has its cons and cons. Other than react-query, is there any other way when Call API?



    1. Install React Query: npm install react-query or yarn add
    2. Set up React Query Provider: Wrap your app with QueryClientProvider
      and provide a QueryClient instance.
    3. Define an API function: Create a function that calls the API using
      fetch or any other HTTP library.
    4. Use useQuery hook: In your components, use useQuery to call the API
      and handle data.
        import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
        async function fetchProducts() {
          const response = await fetch('');
          if (!response.ok) {
            throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
          return response.json();
        function ProductsList() {
          const { data, isLoading, isError, error } = useQuery('products', fetchProducts);
          if (isLoading) {
            return Loading...;
          if (isError) {
            return Error: {error.message};
          return (
      { => ( {} ))}
    ); }
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  1. Using React Query to call APIs is indeed a popular and effective approach, especially for handling data fetching and caching in React applications. React Query simplifies the process of making API calls, managing loading states, and caching responses, which can lead to better application performance and user experience.

    Advantages of using React Query:

    1. Data Fetching Made Easy: React Query abstracts the complexities of data fetching, making it straightforward to fetch and update data with just a few lines of code.
    2. Automatic Caching and Cache Management: React Query automatically caches API responses, reducing unnecessary network requests and improving application speed.
    3. Automatic Data Refetching and Background Updates: React Query allows
      automatic refetching of data when it becomes stale, keeping the data
      up-to-date without manual intervention.
    4. Request Deduplication: React Query deduplicates identical requests,
      avoiding redundant API calls.
    5. Optimistic Updates: It supports optimistic updates, where UI state
      is updated immediately while waiting for the actual response from
      the API.
    6. Error Handling: React Query provides a convenient way to handle API
      errors and retries.

    Other Approaches for API Calls:

    1. Fetch API: The Fetch API is built into modern browsers and provides
      a native way to make network requests. While it’s not as
      feature-rich as React Query, it can be sufficient for simple
    2. Axios: Axios is a popular third-party library for making HTTP
      requests. It provides more features and customization options than
      the Fetch API and can be used with React or any other JavaScript
    3. SWR (stale-while-revalidate): Similar to React Query, SWR is a
      data-fetching library for React that focuses on caching and
      background updates. It’s a lightweight alternative to React Query
      with similar features.
    4. GraphQL: GraphQL is an alternative to RESTful APIs, allowing clients
      to request only the data they need. Apollo Client and Relay are
      popular libraries for handling GraphQL in React applications.

    The choice between these approaches depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you find React Query suitable and helpful for your project, there’s no need to switch to other libraries. However, if you need more advanced features or prefer a different approach, you can consider other options like Axios, SWR, or GraphQL. Always consider factors like project complexity, team familiarity, and maintenance overhead when choosing the best approach for API calls in your project.

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