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I want to do the following day.js configuration:

import dayjs from 'dayjs';

// add plugins for timezone functionality
import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc';
import timezone from 'dayjs/plugin/timezone';

// set default timezone"America/New_York");

// set default format (source:
dayjs.extend((option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
    const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format;
    dayjsClass.prototype.format = function (formatString) {
        return oldFormat.bind(this)(formatString ?? 'YYYY-MM-DD')

How do I define this only once in my React project, so that in every file that I use dayjs, it includes these configurations (timezone plugins, default timezone, and overriden format method)?

Thanks for any help!



  1. You can just import it on the file that renders your app.

    // src/lib/dayjsConfig.js
    // all the config stuff you mentioned
    // src/index.js
    import './lib/dayjsConfig';
    import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
    import App from './App';
    const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
    root.render(<App />);
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  2. You can create a new file in your project where you will set up and export the configured dayjs. Then name this file something like configuredDayjs.js (or .ts if you’re using TypeScript).


    import dayjs from 'dayjs';
    // Import plugins
    import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc';
    import timezone from 'dayjs/plugin/timezone';
    // Extend dayjs with plugins
    // Set the default timezone"America/New_York");
    // Override the format method to set a default format
    dayjs.extend((option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
      const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format;
      dayjsClass.prototype.format = function (formatString) {
        return oldFormat.bind(this)(formatString ?? 'YYYY-MM-DD');
    // Export the configured dayjs
    export default dayjs;

    Whenever you need to use dayjs in your project, import it from your custom module instead of directly from the dayjs package.

    For example, in a React component:

    import React from 'react';
    import dayjs from './configuredDayjs'; // Import dayjs from your custom module
    const MyComponent = () => {
      const now = dayjs(); // This uses your configured version of dayjs
      return <div>The current time is: {now.format()}</div>; // Uses the overridden format method
    export default MyComponent;
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