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I have two select inputs pickUpTime and dropOffTime in react-hook-form populated with an array of strings. The array intervalTime is an ordered time slots with a 15 minutes interval

const IntervalTime = [

I want to add an error if dropOffTime is before pickUpTime and I thought of comparing the indexes of the selected time slots to do so

 resolver: yupResolver(yup.object({
            pickUpTime: yup.string().required(t('required')),
            dropOffTime: yup.string().when(['pickUpTime', 'dropOffTime'], {
                is: (pickUpTime, dropOffTime) =>
                    IntervalTime.indexOf(dropOffTime) < IntervalTime.indexOf(pickUpTime),
                then: yup.string().required('Drop off time must be after pick up time'),

but I get Error: Cyclic dependency, node was:"dropOffTime"



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I solved it like this:

    resolver: yupResolver(yup.object({
                pickUpTime: yup.string().required(t('required')),
                dropOffDate:'pickUpDate'), t('date-before')).required(t('required')),
                dropOffTime: yup.string().test('time', 'Drop off time must be after pick up time', function (value) {
                    const { pickUpTime, pickUpDate, dropOffDate } = this.parent;
                    if (!pickUpTime || !pickUpDate || !dropOffDate || !value) return true; // skip validation if any field is empty
                    return (dropOffDate > pickUpDate) || (dayjs(dropOffDate).date() === dayjs(pickUpDate).date() && dayjs(dropOffDate).month() === dayjs(pickUpDate).month() && IntervalTime.indexOf(value) >= IntervalTime.indexOf(pickUpTime));

    I added a bit of validation to check if dropOffDate is after pickUpDate. In that case there's no need to check time as well.

  2. Other than using transform() stated in the comments, as an alternative, you can use the test method. It might feel easier to use.


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