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I want to validate the input value using regex. The value should be string without white space at the beginning. But accept space in the middle. This value only accepts alphabets.


"  abcde" -> not accepted
"abcdef lksfksl" -> accepted
"asma124" -> not accepted
"abcde" -> accepted
"abce,./()$#%"-> not accepted

I tried a couple of regEX.

/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z-s]*$/ – When I want to delete all alphabets from input last one alphabet is not deleted. If my value is abcde, then a is not deleted when I clicked the delete button.

^[A-Za-zs]*$ – Empty string is accepted. " abcde" is accepted

/^[^s].+[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+$/ – No alphabet is showing in my input field when I am typing.

I don’t understand how to achieve it.



  1. Look for a string that starts with a-z, then either immediately ends or is followed by [a-zs]*[a-z]. This ensures the last character is not whitespace.

    Note that if you pass the case-insensitive flag /i, you do not need to type a-zA-Z.

    const testCases = [
    ["  abcde", false],
    ["abcdef lksfksl", true],
    ["asma124", false],
    ["abcde", true],
    ["abcde ", false],
    ["abce,./()$#%", false]]
      console.log(`string: "${str}":
        expected: ${expected}, actual: ${/^[a-z](?:[a-zs]*[a-z]$|$)/i.test(str)}
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  2. So first character is strictly letter, and others are letters or white space.
    + is like greedy character, you might want to switch it for *, but it seems to work as it is.

    /^(w)[a-zA-Z ]+/gm.test(" abcde")

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  3. You could write a case insensitive pattern as:



    • ^ Start of string
    • [a-z]+ Match 1+ chars a-z
    • (?:[a-zs]*[a-z])? Optionally match chars a-z or whitespace chars followed by a char a-z
    • $ End of string

    Regex demo

    const regex = /^[a-z]+(?:[a-zs]*[a-z])?$/i;
      "  abcde",
      "abcdef lksfksl",
    ].forEach(s =>
      console.log(`${regex.test(s)} -- > "${s}"`)
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  4. You can achieve this by using this RegExp : /^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Zs]*?[^0-9]$/

    Explanation :

    ^ Start of string
    [a-zA-Z]+ Matches 1 or more alphabets (Both Lower case and Upper case)
    [a-zA-Zs]*? Optionally matches alphabets and whitespace character.
    [^0-9] Will not accept the numeric values
    $ End of string

    Live Demo :

    const regExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Zs]*?[^0-9]$/;
    console.log(regExp.test('  abcde')); // false
    console.log(regExp.test('abcdef lksfksl')); // true
    console.log(regExp.test('asma124')); // false
    console.log(regExp.test('abcde')); // true
    console.log(regExp.test('abce,./()$#%')); // false
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