Error when trying to run project locally on my windows machine.
I am attempting to run the project from this repo:
I cloned the project and installed the dependencies and now trying to run the project using ‘yarn run open:src’ I am getting the following error:
yarn dev
$ yarn yaml2json && yarn prepare-landscape && NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev
$ babel-node tools/generateJson.js
processed C:/Users/Adia-May/Git_repos/landscapes/cdf-landscape
$ babel-node tools/prepareLandscape.js
throw err;
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'public'
at Object.lstatSync (node:fs:1574:3)
at __node_internal_ (node:internal/fs/utils:803:8)
at rmdirSync (node:fs:1215:15)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:UsersAdia-MayGit_reposlandscapeslandscapeapptools/prepareLandscape.js:13:10)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1226:14)
at Module._compile (C:UsersAdia-MayGit_reposlandscapeslandscapeappnode_modulespirateslibindex.js:136:24)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1280:10)
at Object.newLoader [as .js] (C:UsersAdia-MayGit_reposlandscapeslandscapeappnode_modulespirateslibindex.js:141:7)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1089:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:930:12) {
errno: -4058,
syscall: 'lstat',
code: 'ENOENT',
path: 'public'
Node.js v18.14.0
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
‘public’ doesnt seem to be a file in the project
Here is the scripts from the package.json file:
"scripts": {
"autocrop-images": "babel-node tools/autocropImages",
"dev": "yarn yaml2json && yarn prepare-landscape && NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev",
"open:src": "yarn dev",
"open:dist": "yarn stop-old-ci && babel-node tools/distServer.js",
"get-iframe-resizer-path": "node -e "'iframe-resizer/js/iframeResizer.min.js'))" ",
"landscapes": "babel-node tools/landscapes.js",
"lint": "esw webpack.config.* src tools --color",
"lint:watch": "yarn lint -- --watch",
"update-github-colors": "curl > tools/githubColors.json",
"migrate": "babel-node tools/migrate",
"fetch": "babel-node tools/validateLandscape && yarn migrate && babel-node tools/checkWrongCharactersInFilenames && babel-node tools/addExternalInfo.js && yarn yaml2json",
"fetchAll": "LEVEL=complete yarn fetch",
"update": "(rm /tmp/landscape.json || true) && babel-node tools/validateLandscape && yarn migrate && yarn remove-quotes && LEVEL=medium babel-node tools/addExternalInfo.js && yarn prune && yarn check-links && yarn yaml2json && babel-node tools/calculateNumberOfTweets && babel-node tools/updateTimestamps",
"yaml2json": "babel-node tools/generateJson.js",
"remove-quotes": "babel-node tools/removeQuotes",
"prune": "babel-node tools/pruneExtraEntries",
"check-links": "babel-node tools/checkLinks",
"remove-dist": "rimraf "$PROJECT_PATH"/dist",
"precommit": "yarn fetch",
"host-images": "babel-node tools/hostImages.js && yarn fetch",
"start-ci": "yarn exec bash -c "(yarn run babel-node tools/distServer.js &) && sleep 10"",
"stop-old-ci": "yarn run babel-node tools/stopOldDistServer.js",
"stop-ci": "yarn exec bash -c "kill -9 `cat /tmp/` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && rm /tmp/ "",
"integration-test": "jest ${JEST_OPTIONS:-} --reporters=./tools/jestReporter.js --reporters=jest-standard-reporter",
"check-landscape": "babel-node tools/checkLandscape",
"render-landscape": "babel-node tools/renderLandscape",
"funding": "babel-node tools/fundingForMasterBranch",
"copy-dist": "cp -r _headers out && ([ -z "${PROJECT_NAME:-}" ] || mkdir "$PROJECT_PATH"/dist ) && cp -r out/ "$PROJECT_PATH"/dist/${PROJECT_NAME:-}",
"prepare-landscape": "babel-node tools/prepareLandscape.js",
"setup-robots": "babel-node tools/sitemap && babel-node tools/addRobots",
"quick-build": "yarn build-next && yarn setup-robots && yarn copy-dist ",
"build": "((yarn fetch && yarn prepare-landscape && yarn build-next && yarn setup-robots && yarn remove-dist && yarn copy-dist && yarn stop-old-ci && yarn start-ci && babel-node tools/parallelWithRetry integration-test check-landscape render-landscape funding) || (yarn stop-old-ci && false)) && babel-node tools/parallelWithRetry integration-test && yarn stop-ci",
"build-custom": "yarn fetch && yarn prepare-landscape && yarn build-next && yarn setup-robots && yarn remove-dist && yarn copy-dist",
"build-next": "next build && next export",
"show-report": "open dist/report.html",
"analyze-bundle": "babel-node ./tools/analyzeBundle.js",
"latest": "yarn",
"reset-tweet-count": "babel-node tools/resetTweetCount.js",
"prepublish": "cp yarn.lock _yarn.lock",
"postpublish": "rm _yarn.lock || true"
What does this mean? I am a complete novice in react and yarn and have been trying to fix the error for a week or so. Is it a runtime error or a problem with my installation? I can upload any files needed
I found out my issue, I had dependency issues after calling
to download dependencies.Sounds like you may need to run
yarn build
. What is creating thepublic
folder? Do a search forpublic
in your entire code-base.