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I have a project that contains several interfaces, and among these interfaces, there is an interface for displaying a set of statistics.

And the data for each chart is obtained through the API for each chart,

And I want to add a spinner loader for page.

How can I add it?

How can the problem be solved?

And through this file all statistics are displayed

import { Card, Col, Row, Spin } from 'antd';
import { FunctionComponent, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import '../../../styles/dashboard/index.scss';
import { AuthContext, IAuthContext } from '../../../contexts/auth-context';
import colors from '../../../constants/colors';
import calendar1 from '../../../assets/icons/calendar1-icon.svg';
import waving from '../../../assets/icons/waving-hand-icon.svg';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import BarCharts from './charts/barCharts';
import PieCharts from './charts/pieCharts';
import { useQuery } from "react-query";
import statisticCharts from '../../../api/nuclearMedicineApi/services/Statistic';
import { ChartEntityType1, ChartEntityType2, ChartEntityType3, ChartEntityTypeAnalysis } from './types';
import schedule from "../../../api/nuclearMedicineApi/services/Schedule";
import { MachineCategory } from '../../../constants/enums';

interface DashboardProps { }
const Dashboard: FunctionComponent<DashboardProps> = () => {

    const current = new Date();
    const date = `${current.getFullYear()}/${current.getMonth() + 1

    const auth = useContext<IAuthContext>(AuthContext);

    const today = new Date();
    var year = today.getFullYear();

    const [xytotalTopography, setxytotalTopography] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [xtopography, setXTopography] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [xyAge, setxyAge] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [xyCitytotalTopography, setxyCitytotalTopography] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [xyTopographyPercent, setxyTopographyPercent] = useState<any[]>([]);

    const [analysisCountPatient, setAnalysisCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [ctCountPatient, setCtCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [mriCountPatient, setMriCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [gammaCountPatient, setGammaCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [xrayCountPatient, setXrayCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [cesiumCountPatient, setCesiumCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [cobaltCountPatient, setCobaltCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [iodinCountPatient, setIodinCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);
    const [linacCountPatient, setLinacCountPatient] = useState<any[]>([]);

    const chartsQueryTopographyData = useQuery(['chartsQueryTopographyData'], () =>
        statisticCharts.GetTopographyStatistic({ FilterType: 1, StartDate: `${year}-01-01`, EndDate: `${year}-12-31` }),

    const chartsQueryCityData = useQuery(['chartsQueryCityData'], () =>
        statisticCharts.GetTopographyStatistic({ FilterType: 2, StartDate: `${year}-01-01`, EndDate: `${year}-12-31` }),

    const chartsQueryAgeData = useQuery(['chartsQueryAgeData'], () =>
        statisticCharts.GetTopographyStatistic({ FilterType: 3, StartDate: `${year}-01-01`, EndDate: `${year}-12-31` }),

    // count
    const schedulePatientCount = useQuery('schedulePatientCount', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.Analysiss,

    const schedulePatientCountiodin = useQuery('schedulePatientCountiodin', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadioTherapyByIodine,

    const schedulePatientCountCt = useQuery('schedulePatientCountCt', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadialImageByCT,

    const schedulePatientCountGamma = useQuery('schedulePatientCountGamma', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadialImageByGamma,

    const schedulePatientCountMri = useQuery('schedulePatientCountMri', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadialImageByMRI,

    const schedulePatientCountXray = useQuery('schedulePatientCountXray', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadialImageByXRay,

    const schedulePatientCountcesium = useQuery('schedulePatientCountcesium', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadioTherapyByCesium,

    const schedulePatientCountCobalt = useQuery('schedulePatientCountCobalt', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadioTherapyByCobalt,

    const schedulePatientCountLinac = useQuery('schedulePatientCountLinac', () =>
            machineCategory: MachineCategory.RadioTherapyByLinac,

    // *********** this function return array of arrays
    const cleanData1 = (data: ChartEntityType1[]) =>
        data?.map((xy: ChartEntityType1) => {
            if (xy?.x !== undefined && xy?.yMale !== undefined && xy?.yFemale !== undefined) return [xy?.x, xy?.yMale, xy?.yFemale]

    const cleanData2 = (data: ChartEntityType2[]) =>
        data?.map((xy: ChartEntityType2) => {
            if (xy?.x !== undefined && xy?.yTotal !== undefined) return [xy?.x, xy?.yTotal]

    const cleanData3 = (data: ChartEntityType3[]) =>
        data?.map((xy: ChartEntityType3) => {
            if (xy?.x !== undefined && xy?.yPercent !== undefined) return [xy?.x, xy?.yPercent]

    const cleanData4 = (data: ChartEntityTypeAnalysis[]) =>
        data?.map((xy: ChartEntityTypeAnalysis) => {
            if (xy !== undefined) if (xy?.count !== undefined && xy?.machine?.label !== undefined)
                return [xy?.machine?.label, xy?.count]

    useEffect(() => {
        // x = topography, y= male, y1= female
        // *************** this return array of arrays
        const mappedData1 = cleanData1(chartsQueryTopographyData);
        const mappedData2 = cleanData2(chartsQueryTopographyData);
        const mappedData3 = cleanData2(chartsQueryAgeData);
        const mappedData4 = cleanData3(chartsQueryCityData);
        const mappedData5 = cleanData3(chartsQueryTopographyData);
        const mappedData6 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCount);

        const mappedData7 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountCt);
        const mappedData8 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountGamma);
        const mappedData9 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountMri);
        const mappedData10 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountXray);
        const mappedData11 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountCobalt);
        const mappedData12 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountcesium);
        const mappedData13 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountiodin);
        const mappedData14 = cleanData4(schedulePatientCountLinac);

        if (mappedData1) {
            setxytotalTopography([['topography', 'ذكر', 'أنثى'], ...mappedData1])

        if (mappedData2) {
            setXTopography([['topography', 'المرضى المصابين'], ...mappedData2])

        if (mappedData3) {
            setxyAge([['age', 'المرضى المصابين'], ...mappedData3])

        if (mappedData4) {
            setxyCitytotalTopography([['', ''], ...mappedData4])

        if (mappedData5) {
            setxyTopographyPercent([['', ''], ...mappedData5])

        if (mappedData6) {
            setAnalysisCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData6])

        if (mappedData7) {
            setCtCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData7])
        if (mappedData8) {
            setGammaCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData8])
        if (mappedData9) {
            setMriCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData9])

        if (mappedData10) {
            setXrayCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData10])

        if (mappedData11) {
            setCobaltCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData11])
        if (mappedData12) {
            setCesiumCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData12])
        if (mappedData13) {
            setIodinCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData13])
        if (mappedData14) {
            setLinacCountPatient([['', ''], ...mappedData14])
    }, [chartsQueryTopographyData, chartsQueryCityData, chartsQueryAgeData, schedulePatientCount,
        schedulePatientCountCt, schedulePatientCountGamma, schedulePatientCountMri, schedulePatientCountXray,
        schedulePatientCountCobalt, schedulePatientCountcesium, schedulePatientCountiodin, schedulePatientCountLinac]);

    return (
            <div className='dashdoard-donutData'>
                {/* welcome */}
                    <Card className='card-welcome'>
                        <Row className='center'>
                            <Col lg={20}>

                                        <FormattedMessage id='welcome' />
                                        {'  '}
                                        {auth.userData?.fullName} !
                                    <Col className='mr-2 ml-2'>
                                        <img src={waving} alt='waving' />
                                            <FormattedMessage id='follow' />
                            <Col lg={4}>
                                        color: colors.primaryColor,
                                        {' '}
                                        {'u00a0u00a0'}{' '}
                                        <FormattedMessage id='today' />

                {/* Close Date Appointment*/}
                {/* <ClosestFreeAppointment /> */}

                {/* Bar Charts */}
                {/* <BarCharts topographyData={chartsQueryTopographyData?.data} ageData={chartsQueryAgeData?.data} year={year} /> */}
                <BarCharts xytotalTopography={xytotalTopography} xtopography={xtopography} xyAge={xyAge} />

                {/* Pie Charts */}
                <PieCharts xyCitytotalTopography={xyCitytotalTopography}
                    year={year} />

export default Dashboard;



  1. It seems like you are using react-query‘s useQuery hook.
    You can simply use its’ isLoading property.

    const { isLoading: isLoadingTopography, data: topoGraphyData }= useQuery(['chartsQueryTopographyData'], () =>
            statisticCharts.GetTopographyStatistic({ FilterType: 1, StartDate: `${year}-01-01`, EndDate: `${year}-12-31` }));
    const {isLoading: isLoadingCity, data: cityData} = useQuery(['chartsQueryCityData'], () =>
            statisticCharts.GetTopographyStatistic({ FilterType: 2, StartDate: `${year}-01-01`, EndDate: `${year}-12-31` }));

    then in your JSX

       isLoadingCity ? <p> Loading city chart </p> : <CityChart data={cityData}/>
       isLoadingTopography ? <p> Loading topography chart </p> : <TopographyChart data={topographyData}/>
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  2. useQuery() returns a boolean called isLoading. You could use this boolean as a condition to render either the spinner or the chart.

    If you need to wait for multiple queries to respond before rendering the UI, then I’d suggest using react-querys useQueries() hook with an array of all the queries you need to wait on. Then you can map an array of status (a string returned for each query) from those queries and derive the overall status from the collective. This will allow you to derive a loading state, an error state, and a successful state for multiple queries.

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