I have an xml that i want to auto layout. So I am using this bpmn-auto-layout
And I am importing it like this
const layoutProcess = require('bpmn-auto-layout');
and using like this
const layoutedDiagramXML = await layoutProcess(xml);
but it throws the error
Failed to compile.
TypeError: layoutProcess is not a function when using bpmn-auto-layout
i debugged and found that the layoutProcess
object is of type
Module {default: '/static/media/index.8f4f1d93.cjs', __esModule: true, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): 'Module'}
Then i tried
import { layoutProcess } from 'bpmn-auto-layout';
it says
Attempted import error: 'layoutProcess' is not exported from 'bpmn-auto-layout'.
tried even like this
import * as bpmnAutoLayout from 'bpmn-auto-layout';
same error
even on the library it mentioned
import { layoutProcess } from 'bpmn-auto-layout';
const diagramXML = '<bpmn:defintions ...></bpmn:defintions>';
const layoutedDiagramXML = await layoutProcess(diagramXML);
what can be the solution?
After importing like this
const bpmnLayout = require('bpmn-auto-layout/dist/index.esm');
and using like this
const layoutedDiagramXML = await bpmnLayout.layoutProcess(xml);
import worked but now it is throwing error
Error: required args <xml=string>
at error (index.esm.js:68:1)
at Parser.parse (index.esm.js:293:1)
at index.esm.js:884:1
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at push../node_modules/moddle-xml/dist/index.esm.js.Reader.fromXML (index.esm.js:879:1)
at push../node_modules/bpmn-moddle/dist/index.esm.js.BpmnModdle.fromXML (index.esm.js:58:1)
at BaseViewer.js:144:1
I had to change the import like this
and then used like this
TypeError probably can be suppressed with
//@ts-expect-error Import type bug
above it. What do you see in the console? Does the library work? I tried your approach, creating a Typescript file and importing it into my code so it would be executed, and even with top-level await it worked and I got this in my console (from test code in library test source’s fixtures):My code was: