Redis command times increase over time on same load
On redis I have around 1.2M json documents,
1st namespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.PRedis:* around 700K
json keys
2nd nemespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.SRedis:*
Get the answers to all your Redis questions in one convenient place. Our archive of expertly curated questions and answers provides insights and solutions to common problems related to this powerful in-memory data store. From caching and message queuing to pub/sub and distributed locking, our archive has got you covered. Whether you’re new to Redis or an experienced user, our resources will help you get the most out of this popular technology. Start exploring today and take your Redis skills to the next level! The official documentation can be found here.
On redis I have around 1.2M json documents,
1st namespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.PRedis:* around 700K
json keys
2nd nemespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.SRedis:*
I’m getting this error when trying to run a Celery task in my Flask app:
celery.exceptions.TimeoutError: The operation timed out.<br
In this stage of this project I’m making, I need to add support for the ECHO command.
I’m working on a multiprocessing python application where multiple processes need access to a large, pre-loaded spaCy NLP model (e.g.,
I have following packages installed
However, when I try to
I’m new to Redis.
I’ve started a Redis server on an EC2 instance and can connect using the command:
I use the following command to clear the Ledis index.
from redis import StrictRedis
db_value = 7
redis = StrictRedis(host=HOST,
I would like my application to do something whenever it receives an invalidation message from Redis. But as is the
We have a stateful redis deployment on multi node Kubernetes cluster. (v1.27.15)
There are two services named "redis" and "redis-headless"<br
Given the diagram from Alexu Book of designing Rate-limiter.
I am wondering how the 2 way communication between Redis