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I’m trying to create a simple script which would:

  1. Connect to docker container’s BASH shell
  2. Go into redis-cli
  3. Perform a flushall command in redis-cli

So far, I have this in my (this basically copies the manual procedure):

docker exec -it redis /bin/bash

However, when I run it, it only connects to the container’s BASH shell and doesn’t do anything else. Then, if I type exit into the container’s BASH shell, it outputs this:

root@5ce358657ee4:/data# exit
./ line 2: redis-cli: command not found
./ line 3: keys: command not found

Why is the command not found if commands redis-cli and flushall exist and are working in the container when I perform the same procedure manually? How do I "automate" it by creating such a small BASH script?

Thank you



  1. Seems like you’re trying to run /bin/bash inside the redis container, while the redis-cli and flushall commands are scheduled after in your current shell instance. Try passing in your redis-cli command to bash like this:

    docker exec -it redis /bin/bash -c "redis-cli FLUSHALL"

    The -c is used to tell bash to read a command from a string.

    Excerpt from the man page:

    -c string If the -c option is present, then commands are read from
                     string.   If  there are arguments after the string, they
                     are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with

    To answer your further question in the comments, you want to run a single script, to run that command. The contents of that file are:

    docker exec -it redis /bin/bash -c redis-cli auth MyRedisPass; flushall

    Breaking that down, you are calling redis-cli auth MyRedisPass as a bash command, and flushall as another bash command. The issue is, flushall is not a valid command, you’d want to call redis-cli flushall instead. Command chaining is something that has to be implemented in a CLI application deliberately, not something that falls out of the cracks.

    If you replace the contents of your script with the following, it should work, i.e., after ; add a redis-cli call before specifying the flushall command.

    docker exec -it redis /bin/bash -c redis-cli auth MYSTRONGPASSWORD; redis-cli FLUSHALL
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  2. The above proposed solution with auth still got me an error

    (error) NOAUTH Authentication required

    This worked for me:

    docker exec -it redis /bin/sh -c 'redis-cli -a MYPASSWORD FLUSHALL'
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