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On application (spring boot service) startup, need to clear the Redis cache.

Redis is running in a different docker container with own volume mapping. Since it retains the old cache, the application picks the data from Redis cache instead of Database even after the application restarts

  • Tried @EventListener for ContextRefreshedEvent and it is never getting called.
  • Tried with @PostConstruct in ApplicationMain class, but it doesn’t clear the cache.
  • Tried using @CacheEvict(allEntries = true), but still no luck

    public class ApplicationStartUp {

    private CacheManager cacheManager;
    public void onApplicationEvent(ContextStartedEvent event) {
                    .forEach(n -> cacheManager.getCache(n).clear());




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I was successfully able to clear the cache with ApplicationReadyEvent. As the CacheManager bean is available by the time, the cache is getting cleared properly on startup

    private CacheManager cacheManager;
    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
                    .forEach(n -> cacheManager.getCache(n).clear());

  2. For the Redis cache manager, if you want to clear the cache on boot, I think you will need to initialize the cache manager with a set of names. See the RedisCacheManagerBuilder docs

    For example:

                            .initialCacheNames(Set.of("cacheOne", "cacheTwo"))

    Then you should be able to use @PostConstruct in you cache config class, for example.

    public void clearCache() {
                    .forEach(n -> cacheManager.getCache(n).clear());
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  3. A simple practice to clear Redis DB at earlier life cycle stage. To config CacheManager @bean with argument RedisConnectionFactory passed in, calling flushDb() to delete all keys of the currently selected database before build up.

        public CacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {
            redisConnectionFactory.getConnection().flushDb(); //Delete all keys of the currently selected database
            return RedisCacheManager.builder(RedisCacheWriter.nonLockingRedisCacheWriter(redisConnectionFactory)).cacheDefaults(RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()).build();
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