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Redis provides a way to input structured JSON documents and retrieve them by content (this can, for example, power an autocomplete search experience). So I am doing this, and it is working fine:

test = "{'key': 'glooler-61245', 'val': 'sighgh'}"
r.json().set("a:glooler-61245", Path.root_path(), ast.literal_eval(test))"glooler"))

Redis also allows pipelines where many insertions can be streamed together and executed in one big batch, like this:

pipe = r.pipeline()
pipe.set("a", "a value")
pipe.set("b", "b value")

However, pipe allows user to retrieve only by key, unlike the JSON one, where one can retrieve by content. How can I merge this two, so that I can push 10k structured JSONs like the first example, and then execute the pipe in one go and then be able to retrieve by value?

I tried this:

pipe.set('a:glooler-61246', "{'key': 'glooler-61246', 'val': 'loltest'}")
pipe.set('a:glooler-61247', "{'key': 'glooler-61247', 'val': 'loltest2'}")
pipe.set('a:glooler-61248', "{'key': 'glooler-61248', 'val': 'loltest3'}")
pipe.set('a:glooler-61249', "{'key': 'glooler-61249', 'val': 'loltest4'}")

However,"glooler")) still returns only the first value I had earlier inserted.



  1. I looked at your question again, isn’t redis only supposed to store key and values? I just read the documentation again.

    Can’t you store them like this instead?

    pipe.set('glooler-61246', 'loltest')
    pipe.set('glooler-61247', 'loltest2')
    pipe.set('glooler-61248', 'loltest3')
    pipe.set('glooler-61249', 'loltest4')

    Why do you need to store the glooler value in the key and value?

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  2. I suspect your problem is that when pipelining you are inserting values as regular strings instead of JSONs, therefore key values are not matched during search. Try this

    pipe = r.pipeline()
    pipe.json().set("a:glooler-61246", Path.root_path(), ast.literal_eval("{'key': 'glooler-61246', 'val': 'loltest1'}"))
    pipe.json().set("a:glooler-61247", Path.root_path(), ast.literal_eval("{'key': 'glooler-61247', 'val': 'loltest2'}"))
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