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I currently have a running application with Redis and I would like to add Redis Sentinel configuration to ensure high availability for my database. Could someone help me with configuring Redis Sentinel in Micronaut?

Application.yml file:

  uri: redis-sentinel://localhost:26379,localhost:26380,localhost:26381/0#redismaster

My main code file:

public class MyRedisRepository {

    private final RedisClient client;

    public MyRedisRepository (RedisClient client) {
        this.client = client;

    public void save(String message) {
        StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = client.connect();

        try {

            connection.sync().set("my-key", message);

            if (connection.sync().exec().wasDiscarded()) {
                log.error("While trying to save message Redis transaction has been discarded.");
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            log.error("Exception occurred while saving message. Transaction discarded: {}", connection.sync().discard(), exc);

In Docker, I have running:

  • 3 Sentinel nodes (,,
  • 1 Redis Master node (
  • 1 Redis Slave node

Unfortunately, my application is not working as expected and is throwing an error:

Error starting Micronaut server: Unable to connect to

where is IP Redis Master Contatainer

How can I solve this problem?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Unfortunately, I managed to establish the connection only after migrating to Kubernetes and changing the library to Jedis (allowing the use of certificates).

  2. Did you find a solution for Micronaut and sentinel? Cause I have the same issue and error

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