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I have used Redis’ Sorted sets to build fast leaderboard solutions for games.
There are two main query operations I needed for my task:

  1. Get elements and their scores from index A to B in descending order (ZREVRANGE in Redis)
  2. Get an index and a score of a particular element in descending order (ZREVRANK in Redis)

As I know Redis uses special data structure for Sorted Set, which combines some kind of skip list with hash table.

Now I want to migrate from Redis to modern IMDG solutions and choosing between Hazelcast and Apache Ignite. What are the closest analogs of Redis Sorted Sets and ZREVRANGE, ZREVRANK operations in Hazelcast/Apache Ignite?



  1. In Hazelcast you can create IndexType.SORTED. Please check the related documentation, Hazelcast Reference Manual: Indexing Queries.

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  2. It seems that it’s possible to leverage query entities in Apache Ignite.
    Here’s a raw example.

    <bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
        <property name="name" value="testCache"/>
        <property name="queryEntities">
                <bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity">
                    <property name="keyType" value=""/>
                    <property name="keyFields">
                    <property name="valueType" value=""/>
                    <property name="fields">
                            <entry key="score" value="java.lang.Long"/>
                            <entry key="id" value="java.lang.Long"/>
                            <entry key="name" value="java.lang.String"/>
                    <property name="indexes">
                            <bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryIndex">
                                <constructor-arg value="id"/>
                            <bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryIndex">
                                <constructor-arg value="SORTED"/>

    After that it will be possible to use regular SQL queries to obtain data from a cache. Table name is going to be "USERINFO" as it’s inherited from the type name: UserInfo, anyway it’s possible to reconfigure that. A schema comes from a cache name.
    For instance:


    It will make a range index scan.
    You can run an EXPLAIN command to check what index is being used (in the example we have 2 of them).

    explain SELECT * FROM "testCache"."USERINFO" WHERE SCORE > ? AND SCORE < ?;
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  3. It seems like a really complex task to implement a leaderboard in a distributed system like IMDG. Correct me if I’m wrong but ZSET is a more a local thing in Redis, you can’t have a Sorted Set bigger than your biggest shard.
    I’d like to split the issue into two separate cases: local and distributed.

    • Local. In general in Ignite it could be achieved by making a cache REPLICATED. It would be possible to use local SQL queries with LIMIT/OFFSET but as far as I know there’s no fast (O(log(n)) index jump to start further scanning from some row with a particular number. It makes it impossible to achieve overall complexity of O(log(n) + m) where m is a window size. Theoretically it’s possible to implement that. I’ve initiated the discussion on the "Apache Ignite Developers" list. Anyway it all depends on your real use-case: how many users you have, what’s the target latency, percentiles etc.
    • Distributed. Here it becomes much more complex as there’s no guarantee that in case of a PARTITIONED cache it is enough to get values from every node with ranks from a to b because data distribution (affinity maps a key to a node) can be not absolutely even. It means that you need to scan the entire index on every node until you reach b (or closest value above).
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