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I am trying to configure TTL on RedisHash. I want to set same expiry to all the keys.

1st: I tried by adding annotation @RedisHash(value=”MyHash”,timeToLive=60) on the entity class.

2nd: Add a new field as expiration with @TimetoLive along with @RedisHash(value=”MyHash”,timeToLive=60)

@RedisHash(value = "MyHash", timeToLive = 60L)
public class MyHash {
.../attributes with few indexes
    private Long expiration;

3rd: Added @EnableRedisRepositories with KeyspaceConfiguration

@EnableRedisRepositories(basePackageClasses = MyHash.class, keyspaceConfiguration = MyKeyspaceConfiguration.class)
public class RedisConfig {

public class MyKeyspaceConfiguration extends KeyspaceConfiguration {
    public boolean hasSettingsFor(Class<?> type) {
        return true;

    public KeyspaceSettings getKeyspaceSettings(Class<?> type) {

        KeyspaceSettings keyspaceSettings = new KeyspaceSettings(MyHash.class, "MyHashlog");

        return keyspaceSettings;

My Repository:

public interface MyHashRepository extends CrudRepository<MyHash, Long> {

    List<MyHash> findByApplicationId(String applicationId) ;

All above approach do not set any expiry. When I check in Redis it shows -1.

TTL MyHash:applicationId:e1hd9-w6q0s-5jd3e-wi2h4
(integer) -1



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Found the solution: We need to add enableKeyspaceEvents = RedisKeyValueAdapter.EnableKeyspaceEvents.ON_STARTUP attribute as below,

    Solution 1: Using @RedisHash to set TTL

    //Add annotation on config or Spring boot main class
    @EnableRedisRepositories(enableKeyspaceEvents = RedisKeyValueAdapter.EnableKeyspaceEvents.ON_STARTUP)
    public class RedisLogServiceApplication implements WebMvcConfigurer {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);
    @RedisHash(value = "MyHash", timeToLive = 60L)
    public class MyHash {
    .../attributes with few indexes
        private Long id;
        private String applicationId;

    Solution 2: Use KeySapceConfiguration for setting TTL

    //Add annotation on config or Spring boot main class
    @EnableRedisRepositories(enableKeyspaceEvents = RedisKeyValueAdapter.EnableKeyspaceEvents.ON_STARTUP, keyspaceConfiguration = MyKeyspaceConfiguration.class)
    public class RedisLogServiceApplication implements WebMvcConfigurer {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);
    //MyKeyspaceConfiguration.class to set TTL
    public class MyKeyspaceConfiguration extends KeyspaceConfiguration {
        public boolean hasSettingsFor(Class<?> type) {
            return true;
        public KeyspaceSettings getKeyspaceSettings(Class<?> type) {
            KeyspaceSettings keyspaceSettings = new KeyspaceSettings(MyHash.class, "MyHashlog");
            return keyspaceSettings;
    @RedisHash(value = "MyHash")
    public class MyHash {
    .../attributes with few indexes
        private Long id;
        private String applicationId;

    No changes to Repository:

    public interface MyHashRepository extends CrudRepository<MyHash, Long> {
        List<MyHash> findByApplicationId(String applicationId) ;

    Also Spring will create multiple keys based on the attributes that are annotated as @Indexed in your entity class. However, TTL is only applied on the primary key i.e. @Id. For example, When I run keys command in redis-cli

    >keys MyHash*
    1) MyHash:id:e1hd9-w6q0s-5jd3e-wi2h4
    2) MyHash:applicationId:e1hd9-w6q0s-5jd3e-wi2h4
    >TTL MyHash:id:e1hd9-w6q0s-5jd3e-wi2h4
    (integer) 59
    >TTL MyHash:applicationId:e1hd9-w6q0s-5jd3e-wi2h4
    (integer) -1
    //After Expiry:
    >keys MyHash*
    (no keys)
    >TTL MyHash:id:e1hd9-w6q0s-5jd3e-wi2h4
    (integer) -2

  2. I was able to solve this two ways:

    Solution 1:
    Adding the @EnableRedisHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 3600) to my configuration class

    @EnableRedisHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 3000)
    open class RedisConfig{}

    Solution 2:
    Extending the RedisHttpSessionConfiguration class and calling setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds

    open class RedisConfig: RedisHttpSessionConfiguration() {
        open fun afterPropertiesSet() {
            val ttlInSeconds = 3000

    I opted for the latter so that I can eventually add the ttl as a config value.

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